Be inspired to find your talents and continue to serve. Click links to sign up TODAY!!!






Examples of service opportunities:

  • TCOHA Monday Night Community Kitchen
  • TCOHA Wednesday Food Distribution
  • TCOHA HALO Ministry welcomes assistance for their events
  • TCOHA K of C Holiday food box packaging event
  • TCOHA Video Ministry (no experience needed as training is provided)
  • TCOHA Family Faith Formation (lead by example for younger brothers and sisters)
  • Helping Neighbors with yard cleanup or repairs
  • Randall Residence of McHenry (Call Jodi Borck, 815-385-9840, for details)
  • Home of the Sparrow (Tiffany Toribio at or call 815-271-5444 x260)
  • Feed My Starving Children (Libertyville)

The Church of Holy Apostles Confirmation Preparation Program is a TWO YEAR Program

Purpose is a transformative approach to confirmation. Accompanying the youth as they become disciples. The curriculum addresses three big questions, “Why believe in God?”, “Why trust Jesus?” and “Why be a part of the Church?”


A copy of the youth Baptismal certificate and First Communion certificate must be turned in upon completing registration for the program.

Program occurs

  • Year 1 Every other Tuesday @ 6-7:30pm grades 8th-11th  First session: Tue. Sep 17 @6pm: 24-25 year 1 calendar
  • Year 2 Every other Wednesday @ 6-7:30pm grades 9th-12th First session: Wed. Sep 18 @6pm: 24-25 year 2 calendar

Three none communication absences will trigger automatic withdrawal from Confirmation preparation program. 

Please ensure to communicate day of absences due to illness or medical emergency. All other absences (school events, sports, family travel). YOUTH will need to contact Youth Minister to obtain makeup activity/assignment.

Strength for the journey

Companions are optional resources for teens and their family that can provide strength for the journey while providing knowledge of the faith in not only a relatable way but easy to understand so the strength can be applied to life now.

Companions can be ordered directly at

Living as a Catholic is a Three Part Endeavor;


In Matthew 25:31-46 Jesus tells us how to serve and what the reward is for serving. We can live out the mission of service as we serve one another and the Church. Through out this journey, we will delve deeper into this scripture.


Our goal is to serve together as we build a community for you as young Catholics while serving others. You may know each other from school or have seen each other at church but never had a chance to actually talk to each other. Through fellowship and open and honest discussion, we grow closer to one another and Christ, knowing that we walk this journey together. 


This is an opportunity for you to find you voice as a Catholic and use your talents for the good of others and God.  Each project will focus on a different need and we will serve in a different way.  Additionally you will serve independently in way that you choose in hopes that you will be inspired to find your talents and continue to serve.

All confirmandi are encouraged to complete 20 hours of service by their first year of Confirmation prep


The Sacrament of Confirmation Components of the Preparation Process

Throughout the Diocese of Rockford. Suddenly, or so it seems, a child becomes a young adolescent. At this exciting and often challenging stage, parental love and support are especially necessary. The focus in the teen’s self-discovery process is the recommitment to the call to live more deeply as a Christian disciple.

Through the sacrament of Confirmation, the young person affirms that, with the gifts and fruits of the Holy Spirit, they want to live a Christian life as a Catholic, bearing witness to Christ in the world.

The reception of the sacrament presupposes a developing understanding of the responsibility to bring good news to the poor and oppressed, bring comfort to the sick, uphold the sacredness of life, and work for justice and peace in society.

Parents and young people are encouraged to make this decision together in prayer, honest reflection, and discernment. The young person, with parental guidance, needs to freely choose to confirm the promises of belief made at their Baptism.

Components of 1st year preparation:

  • Families begin the discussion and choice of a Sponsor for Confirmation.
  • Young person participates in all scheduled faith formation programs.

Components of 2nd year preparation:

  • Mandatory parent and teen formation meeting.
  • Completion of all required paperwork by teen.
  • Young person participates in all scheduled faith formation programs.
  • Sponsor participates in faith formation programs where their attendance is required. If Sponsor is unavailable, a Parent must attend.
  • Attendance and active participation in the Confirmation Retreat.
  • Service to others is part of a Christian life. Service Hours are required as a preparation to receive the sacrament of Confirmation. 

Parental Role in Sacrament Preparation

“The initiation of children into the sacramental life is, for the most part, the responsibility and concern of Christian parents. They are to form and gradually develop a spirit of faith in the children, and with the help of catechetical institutions, prepare them for the fruitful reception of the Sacraments…This responsibility of the parents is also shown by their active participation in the celebration of the Sacraments.”

  • Serve as models for their son or daughter by growing in their personal relationship with God and living as committed Christians.
  • Share their own faith with their son or daughter, both in word and action.
  • Attend parent programs conducted to deepen their awareness of the meaning of Confirmation for Christian living, and to assist them as they help their son or daughter to come to freely request the Sacrament.
  • Participate with their son or daughter in the special liturgies and events of the preparation program.
  • Assist and encourage the teen to understand and assimilate what is being presented during the preparation period.
  • Encourage the newly-confirmed member of their family to continue to be actively involved in the Church, especially their own parish.