Holy Baptism is the first of the seven sacraments to be received and the means by which we begin a new life in Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit and are incorporated into the Church, the body of Christ. Through Baptism we are freed from Original Sin and all personal sins we may have committed.
Baptism Schedule
The Sacrament of Baptism is celebrated on the first weekend of each month during the Saturday 5:00PM Mass, the Sunday 10:00AM Mass and after the 12:00PM Spanish Mass. Please consider scheduling a Baptism before your child is born to guarantee an opening in the month of your choice. There is a required Baptism class that are typically held on Wednesday at 7PM for English and Monday at 7PM for Español.
To Schedule a Baptism
To schedule a Baptism, please complete the online registration.
- Debbie Welter Call: (815) 388-0160 or Send an email
- Teresa Ortiz (en Español) Call: (815) 385-5673 or Send an email
Are you an adult who wants to become Catholic? Click here!
When making the important choice of Godparents, keep in mind: each child may have ONE male sponsor and ONE female sponsor. At least one of the sponsors must be a practicing, Confirmed Catholic per Canon Law 873-874
![The Church Of Holy Apostles Baptismal Font The Church Of Holy Apostles Baptismal Font](http://www.thechurchofholyapostles.org/wp-content/uploads/2012/06/430379_272969042777844_444286999_n.jpg)